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Old Original Post: 6/8/2009 5:44:15 PM a
Joined On: May, 30, 2009
Posts: 2
New Here

Hey everyone, I'm Wendy. I'm pretty new to this site and to fitness in general, lol. I need to lose about 100lbs. I've noticed that the trickiest part is having the motivation. But I have the sheer determination to do this :D  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/10/2009 1:27:11 PM
Joined On: Jun, 2, 2009
Posts: 4
Forum Reply Re: New Here

are you on the personal trainer site as well? writing down the food in the calendar there, logging in workouts on it, and then seeing how workouts subtract calories has really motivated me!Good Luck!  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/10/2009 7:29:10 PM
Joined On: May, 30, 2009
Posts: 2
Forum Reply Re: New Here

Yeah, I'm on the trainer site, too. I'm still figuring all of it out, but thanks for the advice. Getting reward points for the workouts I complete is really helping me stay motivated right now. I've already lost 2.5 lbs :D, so that motivates me even more

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 6/11/2009 3:55:08 PM
Joined On: Jun, 2, 2009
Posts: 4
Forum Reply Re: New Here

Great! I took off 5 lbs that 1st week, then gained 3, then lost them back this week... so I probably shouldn't weigh daily and I wouldn;t have all if these fluctuations  

Topic Posted   Reply Post: 8/10/2009 4:19:56 PM
Joined On: Aug, 3, 2009
Posts: 16
Forum Reply Re: New Here

You really can do it! I think in the beginning I needed to lose 130 lbs or so. I've lost 85. When I first started out, I never thought I could be someone on the other side, encouraging others around me, letting them know I did it! I'm still doing it! and you can too! Like I said on another comment, once you hit 20lbs, it's like wow! I did that! then when you hit 30, it's all downhill. At least for me, I began to get less discouraged and realized completely that I had the power to do this!

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