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Old Original Post: 9/2/2010 8:49:35 AM a
Joined On: Aug, 25, 2010
Posts: 17

Motivation seems to be a key word when dealing with fitness. It reminds us as we learned in schooll that no man, or woman, is an island. We need one another. We need encouragement to stay on track. It is just so wonderful when you find that encouragement. Someone who can believe in you when you can't believe in yourself. Let's stay strong and help one another.  
Topic Posted   Reply Post: 9/4/2010 10:26:04 AM
Joined On: Aug, 21, 2010
Posts: 15
Forum Reply Re: Motivation

But you can.. just start small. I am starting out too.. I fund that finding things the you would do naturally helps.. ride a bike.. go for a brisk walk..do some basic exercises in front of the tv.. there are a lot of them on this site !! Just Move!!  

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